Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology Membership: CP1-0113
Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia Registration: KB02508 PA01866
Clinical Psychologist (CP1-0113)
Registered and Licensed Counsellor (KB02508 PA01866)
林医生是一名执业临床心理学家,也是一名注册和持牌顾问。她对学习高级心理治疗和咨询的热情促使她获得了马来西亚国立大学(UKM)的双硕士(临床心理学硕士和社会科学硕士(咨询心理学)。她还获得了大学应用心理学博士学位。诺丁汉. 林博士拥有结合临床心理学和咨询心理学知识和技能的背景,能够为临床和非临床客户提供服务。
自 2012 年以来,林医生为面临各种心理健康挑战的儿童、青少年和成人提供心理治疗、咨询和评估。这些包括但不限于抑郁症、焦虑症、恐惧症、分离焦虑症、选择性缄默症、依恋问题、创伤、虐待、神经发育障碍、精神分裂症、人际关系问题和人格障碍。林医生在社会福利署、医院(住院和门诊)、非政府组织、企业和私人咨询中心拥有丰富的工作经验和接触,与临床和非临床客户打交道。
For your safety and to ensure you receive accurate and secure information, please note that we only use the above phone number & email for communication:
All official matters, including inquiry, appointment making, billing, and account inquiries, will only be handled through these contact points. We do not use any other email addresses or phone numbers for these purposes.
If you receive any messages or calls claiming to be from us through other means, please be extreme caution and verify with us directly using the contact information listed above. Thank you.